Page 12 - TURNING CATALOG p121-254
P. 12

ISOTURN INSERTS  Negative Chipformers                                                                                              USER GUIDE

                 0.31       15o                                       H6P Chipformer
                                           14o                   Tangential insert with 4 cutting edges for high metal removal on steel up to 35 mm DOC

                 Positive Chipformers                                 F3P Chipformer
                                                                 Super finishing and finishing applications, mainly on positive inserts.
                                                     1           Feed range: 0.03-0.20 mm/rev. DOC 0.25-3.0 mm.
                                                                       PF Chipformer
                                              20°                Super finishing and finishing applications, mainly on positive inserts.
                                                                 Feed range: 0.03-0.20 mm/rev. DOC 0.25-3.0 mm.
                 0.15                 1.6
                            7˚                                         SM Chipformer

                                                     1.8         Finishing and boring applications. Feed range: 0.06-0.25 mm/rev. DOC 0.5-2.5 mm.

                 0.07  0.7                                            F3M Chipformer
                                                                 Chipbreaker with positive rake angle for finishing machining of stainless
                       18˚                                       steel, also suitable for superalloys and exotic materials.

                                                  1                    14 Chipformer

                 0.1                                             Semi-finishing and finishing. Medium feeds.
                                                                       AS Chipformer
                 19˚ 0.1                                         For general use machining on aluminum and soft materials.

                 26˚                                                  M3P Chipformer
                                                           0.65  Chipbreaker with reinforced cutting edge and positive rake
                                                                 angles for medium machining steel conditions.
                 0.1                                                 M3M Chipformer
                                                                 Chipbreaker with reinforced cutting edge and positive rake angles
                                12o                              for medium machining stainless steel conditions.


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